The business world is quickly becoming an AI-driven one. After all, the technology is capable of helping companies make more informed decisions, so they can increase their revenue and stay competitive.
However, with such power comes responsibility - to ensure that the AI developers take into account the legal, ethical, societal laws, regulations, company policies and other important factors when developing the models.
Responsible AI is a framework that focuses on ensuring the ethical, transparent and accountable use of AI technologies in a manner consistent with user expectations, organizational values and societal laws and norms.
AlyData's data governance framework has been extended to include AI Governance as well - since they complement each other. This ensures strong governance with clear ethical standards and accountability frameworks that will allow AI to flourish.
We focus on 4 areas -
Create and implement solutions that comply with ethical AI design standards and make the process transparent
Audit the performance of your AI against a set of key metrics. Make sure algorithmic accountability, bias and security metrics are included
Democratize the understanding of AI across your organization to break down barriers for individuals impacted by the technology; revisit organizational structures with an AI mindset; recruit and retain the talent for long-term AI impact
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